2023 Halibut Dates!
DATES ARE OUT! These still have to be confirmed by ODFW in April, but these are the season dates we are now booking for. Book directly online at www.yaquinabaycharters.com or call us at 541-867-4470:
Central Oregon Coast Subarea (Humbug Mountain to Cape Falcon)
Spring All-Depth Season:
- Quota = 173,385 pounds
- Opening date: Monday, May 1
- Fixed dates: May 1 through June 30, 7-days per week
- Back-up dates: July 10-16 & July 24-30 (open 7-days per week)
Summer All-Depth Season:
- Quota = 68,803 pounds
- Opens dates: Aug 3-5; then every other Thurs- Sat, until Oct 31 or the quota is caught
For more information, please refer to the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) website